Friday, April 20, 2012

Entry 4- Lương Mỹ Linh

 Entry 4: Analyzing agrument

Item 1: Wendy’s advertisement

Logical fallacies: Fallacies of presumption : Generalization
Wendy brand claim that their product taste “right” , so if you eat their burger, you eat or taste in the right way.But what taste do all of us think it’s right?Some people like Wnedy’s burger, but some don’t. So this is a hasty generalization

Item 2: Clear’s advertisement

Logical fallacies: Structural fallacies

Clear means no drandruff
If you don’t use Clear shampoo

 => You will still have drandruff

Item 3: Same sex marriage

 Ngày 09.01 vừa qua, Đức Thánh Cha đã lên tiếng cảnh báo: Hôn nhân đồng tính là một trong nhiều mối đe dọa cho cơ cấu gia đình theo truyền thống, và làm tổn hại đến “chính tương lai của nhân loại”.

Logical fallacies : Fallacies of relevance : Appeal to tradition

Pope say that same sex marriage is a threat to family’s tradition and society. But this is not right.Gay,less is not a disease or a sin.They deserve to have happiness and their happiness, their mariage doesn't harm anything or anyone

-Item 1 :
-Item 2:
-Item 3:


  1. in ur item 2, in my view u should add st relating to FALLACY OF RELEVANCE here
    - WEAK ANALOGY :" looking good means no dandruff- confidence means no dandruff - Clear means no dandruff".
    - APPEAL TO CELEBIRTY: Birain is the star singer and in ads; moreover he said "i trust Clear - Dandruff never comes back" - use of celebrity endorsement product to stimulate customer to buy that product cause they believe that the celebrities use the product so that brand is good

    1. I agree with Giang's opinion in item 2.
      + weak analogy
      + appeal to celebrity:Celebrity B endorses Brand S,
      Therefore, brand S is good.
      because Bi Rain is singer/actor,and he is not the expert of that product, Clear-> his statement is not really true.


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